R 50-K3 Hand press in metal box K3
NGN 266,544.20
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Press for terminals and connectors:
- without insulation (except cable end-sleeves) (SA dies) of 10 A– 50 mm2
- with insulation (except cable end-sleeves) (SE dies) of 10 A– 50 mm2
- cable end-sleeves with and without insulation (ST dies) of 25 A– 120 mm2
- Cu tubular on cable conductors (SD dies) of 6 A– 50 mm2
-Al tubular on cable conductors (SD dies) of 16 A– 50 mm2
- Length: 575 mm
- Weight: 2,9 kg
Type of die:SD
Description: For Cu tubular terminals andconnectors of 6A–50 mm2.
For Al tubular terminals and connectors of 16A–50 mm2.
Type of die* Discriminant*Terminals A cross section [mm2]
* *DIN Cu tubula* Others Cu tubular* DIN Al tubular* ARC, ALC Thin-walled Al tubular* ARG, ALG, AFG Thick-walled Al tubular
SD* 6* 10* 6
SD* 7* -* 10
SD* 8* 16* 16
SD* 9* -* -* -* 16
SD* 10* 25* 25* -* 25
SD* 12* 35* 35* 16;25* 35* 16
SD* 14* 50* 50* 35* 50* 25
1 Piece