Exclusive to Reed, PLAS Hand-over-Hand Rotary™ Cutters excel at cutting PVC or PE
pipe in trench or above ground. They feature attached handles which permit fast handturning.
Once the cutter is positioned around the pipe, the operator turns it for one revolution,
feeds the cut-off tool closer to the pipe, and continues turning/feeding as needed.
These OH models require 11” (280 mm) clearance around the pipe. Attached handles
means there is no need to reposition a handle after each turn, compared to a regular
PLAS (above). The built-in handle convenience equals no loose parts. Like PLAS Cutters
above, outboard rollers keep the cutter aligned on pipe, ensuring a square cut every
time. The tool’s carbide-tipped blades for PVC are long-lasting and penetrate up to a 2”
wall thickness. Each PVC cutter also can produce, in-line with the cut, a 15° bevel on
both sides of the cut. In addition, Reed offers a hardened, tool steel blade to cut PE
pipe. The curved blade drives chips out of the way, making PE cuts much easier.