LineBacker Flange Isolation Kit - 1/2" 300#

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Suitable for ANSI B16.5 Flanges,The LineBacker is an excellent choice for isolating distribution lines and transport lines for gas, oil and water. The screened version is the best available product for filtering welding slag, rocks, nuts, bolts and other particulates from traveling downstream and damaging valves, pumps, compressors, etc. Because the LineBacker has near zero creep relaxation, it performs well in heat exchangers, applications with high vibration or excessive thermal cycling.


Line Backer Gaskets,
GASKET and KIT|||FLANGE|ASME B16.5|0.5|300||GASKET|LINEBACKER|TYPE F|G10|0.125|NITRILE|0.500|2.050|ISOLATION KIT|G10/ZPS|G10|1.745 The GPT Flange Isolation Kits consisting of an isolating gasket and isolating sleeves and washers LineBacker® sealing gaskets use a rectangular sealing element, referred to as a "quad" ring, in combination with a unique groove design to effectively seal and isolate flanges of all types. With the unique quad ring design, elastic memory is provided for elastomers not normally associated with this characteristic. Materials such as PTFE may therefore be used as sealing elements, dramatically increasing the ability to match gasket materials to service conditions. This greater variety of materials also provides excellent temperature and chemical range compatibility. LineBacker® sealing gaskets are self-energizing with theoretical near-zero "m" and "y" factors resulting in a positive seal without excessive bolt loads - as are often required with flat gaskets. Features:- Eliminates flange leaks Guards against blowouts Usable with virtually any type of flange Matches gasket materials to service conditions Lowest possible clamp and compressive load Increases gasket life Insulating version is both a positive seal and a superior insulator Accessories:- NITRILE SEALS,MYLAR SLEEVES,G10 WASHERS,ZPS WASHERS, Type F