SONEL PVM-1020 PV Installation Meter

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Photovoltaic meter


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The Sonel PVM-1020 meter is probably the world's smallest photovoltaic system meter with such a substantial number of measurement functions.
The functions are selected with a rotary switch. Additional parameters are set with buttons located on the housing. All buttons and the graphic display are backlit, which greatly facilitates operation in shaded places, e.g. when taking measurements under ground-mounted PV systems.
Large memory significantly shortens preparation of documents after the measurement.
It can be used for category 1 measurements according to IEC 62446-1.
AUTO mode for performing a sequence of measurements after one press of the START button.
It converts measured parameters into STC conditions according to IEC 60891 by cooperation with the IRM-1 solar radiation and temperature meter.
reSYNC function – automatic completion of results with environmental parameters and their conversion to STC conditions after restoring connection with IRM-1.
The built-in LoRa radio interface ensures cooperation with the IRM-1 meter over long distances.
Built-in Bluetooth module for communication with a computer.
Large measurement memory: 100 objects with 40 cells each.
Backlit display and buttons.
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Part No WMGBPVM1020
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